MANA project

Women next door. Simple and complex women. Colorful women. Women of every culture. Women who came from women. Women mothers...

What does the word mother mean to you?

A photographic project, by Thanasis Protatos, in progress.
A study in motherhood and its ways of expression…

a few words…

In many parts of the world, motherhood is not as honored as we think. It is considered as a type of duty that should be performed by a woman. The task is not only to become a mother and bear children, but also to raise them properly. At the base of our society even today, motherhood includes almost exclusively the act of giving birth and raising children.

In our societies we give people who "conceive" and give birth to children the title mother. Motherhood has become this socialized concept of innate nurturing whereby women are expected to "instinctively" become nurturers. This attitude is not only limited to mass media - in Greece motherhood is inextricably linked to the language of morality. The message being forced upon expectant women and mothers is that there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to do things. You can't be free and a good mother, you can't be queer and a good mother, or even be a good mother while holding some social office or career. As a result, our culture has adopted the belief that sacrifice and suffering—in silence—is simply the cost of being a “good” mother.

In addition to religious and cultural ideals that cloud views of how motherhood should happen, society has created images that suggest who is a good or bad mom. No woman is truly complete without children. Women remain the best caregivers of children. For a mother to be even good, she should devote her entire physical, psychological, emotional and intellectual existence to her children.

But is it so?

MANA project is looking for women. Common denominator and theme, motherhood. The call is open to women, regardless of age, with permanent residence in Greece. You can express your interest, either for you or for a woman you know. Entries are selected after personal communication and acquaintance. The photo sessions take place in places chosen by the models, usually private houses, courtyards and even workplaces..

Participation conditions:
  • Define yourself as a woman.
  • To have/had the experience of motherhood.
  • To want to share a powerful story that could help, inspire, teach other women..

Contact at   or   +306973577992